P​ioneering safety and growth for the community

Worker's Insurance for the deceased's family
Insurance for the deceased’s family

I​mportance of life Insurance

From babies to elderlies, every human being on this earth needs protection against the challenging odds of the world.

We all want a net that catches us when we fall. We all need safety and we all want peace of mind in regards of our physical well-being and our financial stability. Besides, who wants to feel anxiety in their life?

Unfortunately, things aren’t always as we imagine it to be. As careful as we can be, trouble can come in many different ways and can suddenly change our lives forever.

Take the nira farmers in Purbalingga for example, they climb trees every morning to make ends meet. Though the farmers in Navil’s organic program has been given many safety measures, tools, and training so that they do their jobs efficiently and safely, there are still risks of them falling from the coconut tree to the ground and eventually fracture their bones or cause other injuries.

S​o, to mitigate the physical disasters that may come to our lives anytime, we all have insurance.

I​nsurance help us to reduce the burden of paying the healthcare charges or even cover it all up. It can also gives chances for families who have been left by their breadwinners to rise from the grieve and restructure the future.

N​avil worker’s Insurance program

580 farmers across 15 villages in 4 different provincial districts (and still growing), Navil worker’s Insurance program insures the safety for the farmers that Navil works with for free.

Navil is one of the few companies that provides insurance for their farmers. In fact, out of all the 13 companies that cooperate with nira tappers in Purbalingga, Navil is the leading pioneer for this program.

F​or years, many if not all of them are scared of the big risks that may impact their lives and later impact their family’s lives. However, because of the program, their confidence grew and the growing fear in their mind subsides. This program encourages them to provide for their families and to build their future for the better…

S​ince this program has been implemented consistently and successfully over the past few years and has improved many lives, local and national news outlet has been covering this worker’s safety insurance effort in their articles. One of which was covered in an online national media and won a national article writing competition for the 1st place for the “feature-online media” category.

B​ecause of their efforts to bring out the news to thousands of pairs of eyes, The local government has taken notice of this effort to improve farmer’s human rights to safety, and they help support the growth of this program so that later it will expand to reach more nira tappers in more areas in Purbalingga.